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Velda Chow

Consultant, Department of Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital

Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Surgery

School of Clinical Medicine, HKUMed

Dr. Velda Chow is Consultant and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the Department of Surgery in Queen Mary Hospital and The University of Hong Kong. She is currently Chief of the Division of Head and Neck Surgery, and the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 

She graduated from The University of Hong Kong with an M.B.B.S. in 2005. She obtained F.C.S.H.K. in 2012. She pursued post graduate training in Head and Neck Surgery at the Department of Surgery in The University of Hong Kong. She subsequently sub-specialized in head and neck oncology surgery. She obtained the degree of Master of Surgery from The University of Hong Kong in 2015.


Dr. Chow’s clinical and research work is on pharyngo-esophageal cancer treatment, management of complex pharyngo-esophageal defects and swallowing outcomes. She is also interested in the management of nasopharyngeal tumours and applications of robotic surgery in the head and neck region. 

She is currently a member of the Head and Neck Cancer International Group Guidelines and Protocols Committee, Hong Kong Nasopharyngeal Cancer Study Group, as well as Immediate Past President of the Hong Kong Head and Neck Society. 

© 2025


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